Diamond Dozen Slots
Diamond Dozen Slot Review is about living the life of a high roller. We all have dreamt about riches, to be one of the absorbently wealthy and fabulous. Imagine what it's like to live in the lap of luxury without worrying about anything except planning vacations, looking beautiful, meeting friends, and buying expensive houses, champagnes, jewelry, and more. The Diamond Dozen slot's main character is a handsome high roller and a beautiful blonde with soft curls, perfect cheekbone structure, and well-groomed eyebrows. This lady luck is the kind of woman only money can buy unless she already has some herself. Next to her is her smiling high roller man with a diamond in his hand and a full teeth grin. Both of them look like they've seen more money in a day than most folks have seen in their entire life on this god-green earth. The Diamond Dozen logo dances boldly from the screen, tempting and taunting the video slot lover with promised riches. There's a famous saying, that diamonds are a girl's best friend, and I wouldn't disagree in this case. A diamond can intrigue almost any woman into falling under someone's spell, depending on that someone and how many diamonds the woman might have on their own.